
The Old City Farmers Market

Lovely morning! We went to The Old City Farmers Market in St. Augustine. It was in a park with a amphitheater. So, the location was really sweet...trees and shade everywhere. It had food, fruit, flowers, vegetables, crafts and a little band.

Nature Arboretum

candles in a basket
Basket of pretty candles

Glazed blue
Tables full of pottery

A fiddler

Harmonica player
Harmonica player


Pretty hats

cut flowers
Cut flowers sign

Sunny flower
The cut flowers

Melons in burlap
So ripe


Frog update

I was finally able to capture a better image of my little watering can frog!

He and I had a horrible experience the other day. I noticed that my daisy needed watering, so I thought I could use this watering can to do it...thinking the frog would stick in the can. As I was watering the daisy, plop, out he came with the water and jumped from the daisy into the yard. I was able to catch him and get him back to the porch. But, before I could get him in the can, he escaped. (He is surprisingly slippery.) He quickly jumped again, and I didn't see where he went. I was upset.

The next day I went out, and there was his little face smiling at me from the watering can nozzle. All is well in my little back porch froggy world.

Outcome? I am now using an inferior, smaller, plastic (did I say smaller?) watering can.

Look at that face!
Peeking out


On my backporch

Well, this was a most laid back weekend. I did get a little shopping in yesterday. Today I am a home body. So far the farthest I have gone is my muggy, humid little back porch.

While on the back porch I took a picture of my newest little friend. He lives in the nozzle of my watering can, with his little eyes peeking out. So friggin' cute. But, the image is a little blurry due to how my lens fogged up. Then when it cleared, he went deep into the watering can. So, this picture literally is a little foggy.

watering can frog
Watering can frog

This is my clown daisy. It is getting ready to bloom again. Just the beginning. It is such a great flower!

fresh start
Fresh Start


We aren't in Bermuda anymore, Toto.

If you haven't noticed, I am back home, so the beautiful Bermuda photos have come to a screeching halt. *sigh* Oh well. I had a week back at work, then this weekend to finally get some relaxing in! Today we set the alarm to get up to meet the sun. But, it started out rather overcast. Sunrise was less than stellar.

But, while watching for it to peek out from behind the clouds, all of a sudden hundreds of boats came racing out of the little pass into the Atlantic. There was a Kingfish Challenge and these fishermen meant business. That was much excitement for a few fleeting moments in an otherwise quiet morning at the beach.

The sun finally peeked out from behind a cloud bank

Sun on cloud
Sun on cloud

Great waves
Great waves

Sandy stairs
Sandy stairs

Lifeguard stand
Lifeguard stand

Beachcomber with equipment

Wave watcher

Beach hat
Only beach hat of the morning

Kingfish Competition
The race is on

Blackbirds on log
Blackbirds on a log

Yellow flower
The flowers


Bermuda: Day 10

Last day for my Bermuda vacation and visiting my daughter and son-in-law. It went entirely too fast.

Nikki and I had afternoon tea at Elbow Beach. It was so much fun. Elegant. And girly. Just fun.

My sweet daughter, Nikki

Nikki's scooter that I drove around the island

We enjoyed afternoon tea at Elbow Beach

At Elbow Beach

Cloud Hill

White Gate

Green Gate





Bermuda: Day 9

Up early so we could possible beat the heat. Pork roast, potatoes and turnips (yes, turnips...get over it) tucked into the Crock Pot. Then it was off to the my very most favorite seaglass beach and a mid morning picnic lunch at the Royal Naval Cemetary. We spread our blanket in the shade of the gazebo and enjoyed the cool breeze and the quiet. After we rested and ate our snack, we caught the bus to the dockyard, where I found a gorgeous silver ring. We also got a sweet ice cream cone. Mine was pecan praline, and Nikki had a scoop of raspberry and a scoop of mango sherbet. So refreshing. Our trip home was via the ferry to Hamilton and then a bus to home.

Blue and white

White flowers

A beach full of seaglass

Quiet waters at Seaglass Beach

Tinkling sounds as the water washed over the seaglass

Don't Cry For Me (I found Seaglass Beach)


The hill

Dear Little Charlie

Red flowers

Blue on blue


Bermuda: Day 8

Today we slept in then later I went into town to get a few things from the grocery store. Starting off with a picture of the bus stop...they are pretty much the same all over the island. Little arch doorways, stone shelters. But, I was on the scooter, so the bus stop was not part of my day. Since I was on the scooter, I could stop and take pictures as I pleased. At the store I looked up the road and saw the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse. So, I thought, 'Why not?'.

bus stop
Bus stop


lighthouse road
Lighthouse Road

Coming up to Gibbs Hill Lighthouse

lighthouse view
Looking at the Dockyard

Looking up

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