Beachless Week or Tattoo Intro
For reasons only know to God, I haven't made it to the beach yet this weekend. Other things kept popping up.
Like yesterday. We got up and had a bagel at Panera's, strolled up to Publix for a few items, stopped in an interior decorating showcase for a developer in the area, then scurried back home for a quiet day. A nap was involved, and a biscuit and sausage gravy supper. In the evening we watched a movie, Men With Brooms, which was surprisingly good. (A shout out to my Canadian son-in-law!) After the movie I designed the spiffy new header that my blog is sporting!! It is my new clean zen look. With complimentary matching favicon. For those of you that don't know what a favicon is, it is the little 16x16px image on the address bar and the tab. Anyway, I like it. And I love doing things like that.
Today I just did odd things around the house. Re-arranging items under the bathroom sink, which led to cleaning the bathroom. I was sent to T.J.Maxx for a pillow to replace a much loved (and worn out) one of D's. I spent way too long there, but enjoyed myself. Purchases:
- Two Butter Bells (one for me and one for Nikki)
- Pillow for D (too firm...going back)
- Pair of really cute Borne Shoes which D doesn't like and I'll probably take back.But, it was an awesome deal...$20! Aren't those just the cutest?
- and a little enamel cast iron skillet that D doesn't know about yet. shhhhh I have been looking at these for was the day. it will probably go back too. sigh.
Then home again. I scoured eBay for a Treo 680, when I discovered I don't have PayPal set up. Which led me to PayPal business.
Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist. So, I don't think a trip to the beach will happen. Then I work the next three days. I'm holding hope for next Friday.
That leads to this post. No beach pictures. But, I have a couple of pictures from my tattoo collection that I will post in this beachless emergency. The tattoo craze in Jacksonville amazes me. It seems that to be a resident here one of the prerequisites is to get a tattoo. Old and young. Fat and skinny. Wrinkled and firm. There is nothing sacred. So, I started taking a few shots...discreetly of course. These are the first in my collection. There will be more to come. Believe me...

First, thanks for the Butter Bell! Second, i looooove those sandals!
Third.... i can't believe you just now saw Men With Brooms. It's our window into Canadian culture!
Fourth, i look forward to more tattoo pictures.
Fifth.... i love you!
love the new Zen look:) Did you draw those flipflops?
@hillgrandmom, Thank you! I wish I did, but no, I didn't draw the flipflops.
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