An afternoon at the Northeast Florida Scottish Games
We went to the Northeast Florida Scottish Games & Festival at the Clay County Fairgrounds in Green Cove Springs today even though it threatened rain. (Aren't we the adventuresome couple?)
We took a small jaunt down a road that ran straight to the river before we traveled on. Here are a few pictures from there.

The highlight of the day for the men (and my man in particular) was the games. Here are highlights of some of the action. This was a test in pure brute strength.

There was a parade of marching bagpipe players. Fun to watch.

And this brings me to my favorite part of the fair. Men in Kilts. Who knew they would be dead-sexy? No one ever told me.

I love this guy. He plays on the front porch of the Cracker Barrel we go to. Here he did Celtic music, but at Cracker Barrel, he is does good ole country.